Lace vs Skin

Lace vs Skin

Not an exciting football fixture or the latest world title bout but a question that clients may consider. If you already have your hair replaced, or are doing your research, this may be a question you have pondered but if you are not, this blog may not be for you.

As pioneers in Scotland of non-surgical grafting, Hair Technology International offers an unparalleled choice of membranes from skin to semi disposable to fully disposable, to french lace and swiss lace. To underline the range of options, these can all be combined to produce a hybrid to order.

Basically lace is a fine mesh which can be used to create the illusion that hair is growing directly from the scalp. Until recently this was seen as the gold standard in hair replacement but as the skin technology has improved it is now possible to get the same results with the ultra thin skins available meaning lower maintenance and increased security.

Working with our suppliers in the US, we have been developing our own variations, many of which we exclusively offer. What’s more we are the only partner in Scotland of the company which developed the original scientifically-proven, breathable skin grafts. As they say, imitation is the best form of flattery and many have tried to copy this technology, often with limited success!

The truth is no two people are the same and neither should the solution offered be.