Spread the word

Spread the word

“If there was a Trip Advisor for hair replacement you’d be number one” as one of client commented the other day. This is something we often here – when clients get to know and trust us, we develop a close bond.

For many people absolute confidentiality is all important which we respect totally – we know that hair loss and hair replacement are very personal matters. If, however, you know someone who would benefit from our help, either due to their hair loss or (even worse) a poor job done elsewhere, please don’t hesitate to tell them about us. At Hair Technology International we really are only as good as our last client and that is they are all our top priority – we know that happy clients come back. For this reason if you think you know someone we can help, please see if you can help spread the word.

With the explosion of salons offering similar but inferior replacement techniques, there has never been a better time than now to try to establish that not all hair loss and hair replacement centres are the same.

At Hair Technology International we have over 20 years experience which is at your disposal. Email us or call us 0141 331 2688 so we can help.