Hair replacement is a subject that often isn’t widely discussed but thankfully over the more than two decades that we have been in business, some of this hesitation has reduced.
Hair loss is a fact of life for many people and it can seriously impact the quality of a person’s life through lack of confidence and low self esteem.
We don’t break any confidences so we treat everyone who comes to see us as an individual with their own attitude to their hair and what they want from us – as long as they leave feeling happier or even just reassured, our job is done.
In the same way that hair replacement is very personal so is the way we treat our clients. We don’t brandish before and after photos, we don’t bombard people with messages or phone calls and we don’t try to rush people into their next step. The client is always in charge and that’s exactly how it should be.
If Hair Technology International is their best kept secret, that’s fine by us as long as they are happy with their hair.