A day in the life of Hair Technology

A day in the life of Hair Technology

We are often asked how it is to work as part of the team at Hair Technology International. The truth is no two days are the same and that is what working here makes the job so rewarding!

The day can start with a male or female client in for a regular appointment having already had their hair replaced by us, then a customer in looking for advice on the options available (and often the pitfalls of inappropriate transplants!), followed by a person undergoing chemotherapy who wants the next best thing to their own hair until their hair regrows, followed by a laser treatment session for a hair loss client and then a chat with one of Trichological treatment clients to review the results achieved at home with our specialist products.

As you can see there is quite a mix of ways that we can help but that is what makes Hair Technology International unique – we have full all round knowledge of the alternatives available and can actively help to make a difference.

To all our new clients who have recently come to see us, we really appreciate your trust. If you have yet to visit us, please don’t worry – we are happy to offer impartial advice and help in any way we can.

Call us on 0141 331 2688 or email us – we are here for you.