Don’t be a turkey!

Don’t be a turkey!

One of the few benefits of the travel restrictions during the pandemic was that we have seen far fewer transplant patients who had surgery in Turkey. With the easing of restrictions, this is likely to change.

As reported recently on Sky News, the safety measures that protect patients in the UK (and indeed in the EU) just don’t apply. It really is a lottery and often corrective surgery is impossible if the donor site, where the hair is taken from, has been severely depleted or permanently damaged.

Not all surgery in Turkey is bad – far from it – but transplants give lifelong results that will be visible for all to see. For this reason we can only again urge anyone considering surgery abroad to do their research thoroughly and explore all the options available. At Hair Technology International we will be happy to help and will always respect whatever decision the person finally reaches.

We are all looking for a bargain but cheap cosmetic surgery of any sort is always a risk. Please take your time and don’t be rushed into any quick decisions.

The very latest state of the art hair systems offer guaranteed results for people with hair loss without any surgery and without any risk to the scalp or existing hair so if you haven’t considered this option before, it might be worth considering this before you go under the knife!