Hair loss really matters!

Hair loss really matters!

Although we always try to be approachable, at Hair Technology International we realise just how serious hair loss can be for the person affected.

Often people suffering are the butt of cruel jokes or are told to simply forget it and get on with their life. This seriously underestimates the issue and a recent survey only underlines this.

According to the survey by Asda Pharmacy, 33% of people worry about hair loss whilst 17% feel self-conscious and 14% felt unattractive. Importantly, 26% had been teased by loved ones over hair loss and 15% even experienced a loss of libido, probably due to lowered self-esteem.

If you suffer hair loss please remember you are not alone and we are always here to help in any way we can. If you know someone suffering from hair loss please be sympathetic and treat them with respect – it could be you next!!!

For help and advice call Hair Technology International on 0141 331 2688 or email us. We don’t take ourselves too seriously but we do take hair loss very seriously.