Hair Technology to the rescue!

Hair Technology to the rescue!

Okay, so we aren’t really superheroes but sometimes clients come to us and think we are.

An example was earlier this week when a client came to us from a hairdressers which had recently branched into hair replacement. When he came in his system had been wrongly sized, badly prepared and styled. Although we couldn’t make everything perfect, he was delighted and looked like a new man when he left.

There are two points in this story : firstly we aren’t just here for our existing clients but we will try to help anyone who comes to us no matter where they have been dealing with. Secondly, and most importantly, you can’t get over twenty years experience in the hair replacement business overnight. At Hair Technology International we are proud of our depth of knowledge but we wouldn’t suggest that we know everything about the latest keratin straightening treatment or the like so why should a hairdressers assume that a crash course in hair replacement will produce anything other than car crash results?!

Anyway, Hair Technology International always here to help – just not in lycra outfits! Call us on 0141 331 2688 – we’re here for you!