Happy New You!

Happy New You!

When you look at the heading of this post, what do you see? Often businesses in our field focus on the need for change – “New Year – New You”, “New Year’s Revolution”, etc. You name it, there are plenty terrible puns out there implying that you need to change to be happy. At Hair Technology International we don’t think this is always true.

We look at the heading and see the word “happy” – it may be that there is nothing wrong with the “old” – sorry, existing! – you but you may just need reassurance.

A big part of our job is offering advice. This may be to do nothing or just make small lifestyle changes – it doesn’t always mean that one of the procedures we offer is right for everyone.

At Hair Technology International we care. We don’t want to build up hopes and disappoint – if non-surgical replacement, treatments or (even more importantly) surgery aren’t right, we’ll explain why. In this situation we always say that if you go on to speak to another consultant who offers different advice, call us back and we can discuss why we don’t agree.

The decision to do anything about hair loss is always yours but maybe, just maybe, there’s nothing too much wrong with the “old” you. It’s just a thought.

For honest advice, call us on 0141 331 26898, we promise to do all we can to help, even if it is just a chat.