How much?

How much?

Who says you can’t put a price on happiness?! Seriously if your hair is having an impact on your day to day life, maybe it’s time to look at the options. At Hair Technology International we are happy to offer advice totally free of charge.

One of the questions that of tne worries people is can I afford to get the help I’d like with my hair. The truth is that you have to pay a certain amount to get a good result but there are far too many businesses in the hair replacement/hair loss field who charge much more just because the person is perhaps desperate to have the issue resolved.

We have heard of similar businesses charging £100 or more for an appointment – even allowing for a colour, we would normally charge less than half this amount. For the hair itself we calculate the price based upon the length of the hair desired, area needing help and the density required. This allows us to calculate a figure which we always guarantee will beat the price for a comparable solution from any of our competitors. What’s more we always only ask for a deposit of half the full amount – we want to earn the client’s trust and stand by all our promises, proven by the fact that the balance is only due when the client sees the result and is happy.

Hopefully you can see that not all hair replacement/ hair loss businesses are the same. To find out more about how we can maybe help you please call or email us.