New clients always welcome!

New clients always welcome!

Everyone knows how tough it is out there at the moment – not least some of our rivals in the hair replacement business. This has meant that a number of the newcomers to the industry have been struggling to keep their heads above water. We really do sympathise – when Hair Technology International started over 25 years ago there were some difficult times but our year on year steady growth has put us in a safe and privileged position.

This is all thanks to our loyal client base and, in turn, has allowed us to maintain our high level of service combined with great value for money,

With all this, we are being contacted more and more by clients from elsewhere and our answer is always the same – of course we will help in any way we can.

Hair systems are great, in fact life changing – but this is only part of the picture : you need a reliable partner to help you get the best from your new hair and that’s where we can help, With six fully qualified stylists and literally hundreds of regular clients, we will always welcome new clients and if the stage is ever reached when we are struggling for capacity, we will create more.

With Hair Technology International you and your hair are always in safe hands.