Okay, so we are different!

Okay, so we are different!

Different can be bad but we don’t think so! If everyone was the same the world would be a pretty boring place. (Just like certain blogs we know!)

Just one look at our competitors’ websites will show someone needs to stand out and dare to be different. There are a million before/after photos and testimonies with back stories that would bring a tear to a glass eye but we don’t go in for all that. If you’re not happy with the way your hair looks just tell us or show us how you’d like it to be and we’ll take care of it for you. Some of our procedures require after care, some don’t – if you let us see your hair, we’ll tell you.

Our blog articles are a bit of a pick and mix but we are trying to offer a range of articles with differing approaches. Sure, the factual articles have to be accurate but we are real peole and people like variety!

Life is complicated – hair doesn’t have to be.

Different is good. If you’re happy with your hair you don’t need us, if you’re not happy, call or email us.