Sing While You’re Thinning!

Sing While You’re Thinning!

In the unlikely event that Robbie Williams ever reads this post, let’s start off by apologising for the pun. This follows the news that after years of frustration and many thousands of pounds of treatments, he is coming around to the idea that non surgical hair replacement might be the solution he’s been looking for.

We often hear about miracle cures, here in the UK and abroad, whether this is surgical or some innovative treatment but here’s the truth – if there was a miracle cure out there for hair loss why would celebrities with almost limitless funds not have opted for these options.

The truth is that when there is the demand for an easy answer, there’s always people prepared to meet this demand, whether they are genuine or not.

No one wants to lose their hair but neither does anyone want to just be told what they want to hear, especially if the promises they are given are unfulfilled.

Whatever you decide to do, take your time and do your research – there’s no point going from one broken promise to another. That’s why we’re happy to offer impartial advice on all the options available and just as importantly leave you to make your own mind up.

As for Robbie, last time we were at his concert we sat next to an insurance salesman – and through it all he offered us protection!