Thinking of You

Thinking of You

For some time we have been looking at ways we can offer added value to our loyal Hair Technology clients. Whilst we are experts in all forms of hair loss treatments and hair replacement procedures, we recognise that others are far better placed than we are to offer other treatments to compliment our clients’ appearance and self esteem.

We want to make our address synonymous with expert care for people wishing to improve their appearance : a true centre of excellence, unrivalled in the country, offering a one stop shop for the very latest techniques.

To acheive this we are partnering with The Signature Clinic, a likeminded business offering an ethical approach to the self improvement industry, offering a complete range of treatments from botox to facial peels to surgical corrections to the very latest beauty treatments.

To promote this partnership our loyal clients will receive exclusive discounts and offers allowing them to benefit from the latest techniques at unbeatable prices. What’s more as trusted partners, our clients will always know that they are safe hands.

This is just another way of us showing how much we value our customers and the thanks we’d like to express – for more information on this exclusive offer just call us on 0141 331 2688 or drop us an email.