Thinking of you!

Thinking of you!

At Hair Technology International we know that hair loss and thinning hair are sensitive issues. In an ideal world these would be subjects that would be discussed openly and sympathetically, unfortunately though that isn’t the reality.

We promise to always deal with people looking for help and advice sympathetically. Any information you give us will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. This is the reason why we don’t plaster our website with before/after photos or testimonials – the truth is that we always treat our clients as individuals who have placed their trust in us and this trust really means a lot to us.

For anyone reading this post and then flicking back to our home page, you will see there is a “hide this page” button which defaults to BBC weather page – this is just in case someone is looking over your shoulder to keep your browsing private. Just part of the discrete service we offer our many hundreds of clients.

For impartial advice on all aspects of hair loss and hair replacement, just call us on 0141 331 2688 or email us. We promise to do all we can to help.