What’s new

What’s new

Our posts are a bit like waiting for a bus – nothing for ages then they all come at once! Sorry!

Anyway if you are an existing client you will see a few changes following the Coronavirus lockdown – these are all geared at making Hair Technology International as safe a place as possible for both you and the team.

Firstly you will see that there are hand sanitisers everywhere you look – please use them upon entry and use a face mask once you arrive. If you don’t have one, we will give you one.

There is a strict no waiting policy, so please don’t bring any friends or family with you – we just want to make sure that the numbers of visitors are properly controlled. To acheive this we will be introducting a new staff rota which will allow cover six days a week but may mean that we don’t have quite so many girls in at the same time. For the time being this makes it all the more important to plan ahead with your appointments.

We already have totally seperate cubicles which are sanitised between appointments and will be introducing disposable gowns and a one way system. On a positive note we can’t offer tea or coffee for now, so at least that’s some good news (if you’ve tasted them, you’d know what we mean!)

Until the end of July we won’t be open on Thurdays but this is just to allow the girls time to sort out their personal arrangements so we can hit the ground running properly in August.

Please remember that these changes are all for the good of you and the team – behind the masks and perspex screen at reception we are still the same team and we promise to always have your back.

If you are new to Hair Technology International and have perhaps been left feeling let down by your current hair supplier, please drop us an email or give us a call on 0141 331 2688 and we’ll do all we can to help.