Why wait for your hair system?

Why wait for your hair system?

After a bit of an absence – sorry! – we’re back with some ground breaking news. Over recent months we have been working with some of the best manufacturers in the hair replacement industry and we are proud to announce the launch of our own range of bespoke custom hair systems. Boutique not mass produced.

By using only best quality remi hair and the finest quality materials we can offer a unique combination of terrific results and built in durability. This is acheived through our unique hair insertion techniques. This in turn means that the expected lifespan of our systems is 6-12 months, much more than the 2-3 months often acheived by inferior off the shelf systems.

This is what sets us apart at Hair Technology International – we don’t just buy and fit hair systems, we have a passion for the business and take a pride in innovating, as proven since we introduced non surgical grafting to Scotland over two decades ago.

Initially offering three models- Hair Tech 1, Hair Tech 2 and Hair Tech+ – we are able to offer all the benefits of custom made systems with medium or medium/heavy denisty and the option of very best french lace fronts (with bleached roots as standard) without any waiting.

This combination of immediately available bespoke hair systems, featuring unique designs, once again underlines that Hair Technology International is at the forefront of hair replacement technology not just in the UK but in Europe. Our invites to numerous international seminars over the years, before many of our competitors even knew of the technology, confirms that whilst others promise to deliver great results, we just do it.

If it sounds like we can help, call us. Noone deserves anything but the very best.