Had transplants? Don’t despair

Had transplants? Don’t despair

Sometimes hair loss can be a very lonely place. You see changes happening and don’t know where to turn. You reach out for help and come across a business which at first glance seems reputable and honest but once you’ve asked for their help and see their results, you realise all isn’t as that sharp suited consultant (or should I say salesman?) promised.

This is a very familiar story to us at Hair Technology International: often we come across people who have had surgery and are paying the price – both financially in the form of loan agreements and physically in the sense of results falling way below  expectations.

The good news is often we can still help. Although it would have been better if we had spoken before any surgery to give a balanced view, often if the hairline has been surgically restored we can add hair non-surgically behind this area to complete the look. In a worst case scenario, we can totally disguise the results if they are not cosmetically pleasing.

The truth is that hair loss is usually an ongoing process whereas transplants are only a solution for a small area of hair loss at a particular point in time. No amount of tablets or laser will stop the march of time so today’s transplant clients are often tomorrow’s non-surgical replacement clients.

Surely it makes sense to speak to an expert before you make any commitment particularly with surgery where the results and consequences are lifelong. Besides if surgical procedures are always improving and hair cloning remains a possibility, why would you want to settle for today’s transplant technology which will literally be staring you in the face for the rest of your life?! Just look at the “poster boy” footballers who had work done 2-3 years ago and see how their hair is now – often it speaks for itself!

We try to be positive and respect everyone’s right to choose but at Hair Technology International we feel that certain surgical clinics are only to happy to offer permanent, lifelong procedures in the knowledge that the client’s expectations will never be fulfilled. For this reason please take care out there and, as we say, don’t despair we are only an email or phone call away!

Lace vs Skin

Lace vs Skin

Not an exciting football fixture or the latest world title bout but a question that clients may consider. If you already have your hair replaced, or are doing your research, this may be a question you have pondered but if you are not, this blog may not be for you.

As pioneers in Scotland of non-surgical grafting, Hair Technology International offers an unparalleled choice of membranes from skin to semi disposable to fully disposable, to french lace and swiss lace. To underline the range of options, these can all be combined to produce a hybrid to order.

Basically lace is a fine mesh which can be used to create the illusion that hair is growing directly from the scalp. Until recently this was seen as the gold standard in hair replacement but as the skin technology has improved it is now possible to get the same results with the ultra thin skins available meaning lower maintenance and increased security.

Working with our suppliers in the US, we have been developing our own variations, many of which we exclusively offer. What’s more we are the only partner in Scotland of the company which developed the original scientifically-proven, breathable skin grafts. As they say, imitation is the best form of flattery and many have tried to copy this technology, often with limited success!

The truth is no two people are the same and neither should the solution offered be.

Okay, so we are different!

Okay, so we are different!

Different can be bad but we don’t think so! If everyone was the same the world would be a pretty boring place. (Just like certain blogs we know!)

Just one look at our competitors’ websites will show someone needs to stand out and dare to be different. There are a million before/after photos and testimonies with back stories that would bring a tear to a glass eye but we don’t go in for all that. If you’re not happy with the way your hair looks just tell us or show us how you’d like it to be and we’ll take care of it for you. Some of our procedures require after care, some don’t – if you let us see your hair, we’ll tell you.

Our blog articles are a bit of a pick and mix but we are trying to offer a range of articles with differing approaches. Sure, the factual articles have to be accurate but we are real peole and people like variety!

Life is complicated – hair doesn’t have to be.

Different is good. If you’re happy with your hair you don’t need us, if you’re not happy, call or email us.

Strong females and female hair loss

Strong females and female hair loss

Everyone needs a role model – it may be your mum, it may be your sister, it may be someone on television or in the news but we all need role models!

Now ask yourself this – where are the strong female role models publically dealing with hair loss. The sad truth is there aren’t many. Given the number of females facing thinning hair or hair loss is it really helpful that the only females we routinely see in the public eye have thick lush hair? The point is that hair is fundamentally just dead protein like your nails, so why should this define a woman?!

At Hair Technology International half of our clients are females. This is not a male dominated business – all our staff are female apart from one of our consultants. Women and girls expect to have a great head of hair and we don’t want anything to get in the way of that. Eyebrows, eyelashes, makeup are just examples of how women alter their appearance to their liking so why not enhance your hair if you feel it is needed?!

For a free consultation or just a chat please get in touch. If you decide you don’t need our help at least you’ll know where to find us if you ever do! Our number is 0141 331 2688.

Hair Loss Consultations – do’s and don’ts

Hair Loss Consultations – do’s and don’ts

When you arrange a hair loss or hair replacement consultation there are some very important things to remember but most of all apply common sense. Don’t panic and always be sure of your decision (in your own time!).

The consultation is vital for you finding out whether or not your needs will be met by the business you’re seeing. For the business this is the chance to make a connection with you. In the hair loss industry our role is based upon trust so any gut feeling about the consultant being a little shifty should be heeded!

Firstly, and most importantly, be prepared – do as much research as you can before you go for your consultation

Prior to any consultation NEVER disclose your personal financial details – we know unscrupulous hair replacement businesses that price according to the person’s ability to pay. With these people, if you say more you will pay more – take care!

Be aware of bogus special offers and discounts – reputable centres should not have to bribe clients with gimmicks. Besides, why should someone get a “special offer” price and someone else not, when they are getting a near identical service?

In the hair loss/replacement industry there is NO PLACE for high pressure sales techniques – if you feel under pressure just leave.

Ask about the current staff mix and how long they’ve worked there – if hair replacement is what you’re after, we wouuld suggest a ratio of at least three stylists/ technicians to each consultant (at Hair Technology International it is 5:1) This suggests that the clients are being properly looked after and the importance being placed on aftercare. If there are as many consultants (i.e. sales people) as stylists, in the world of hair replacement this suggests a sales driven approach to the detriment of ongoing client care.

For the record, DHT (one of the hormones associated with hair loss) cannot be seen externally, even under a microscope. Any suggestion (as we’ve heard from some of our competitors) that a scalp examination allows DHT to be seen is nonsense. This would be just another sales ploy, so leave.

Watch out for overpriced extras (remi hair, lace, etc) these are often used to justify unrealistic prices

Goobledegook and pseudo-science can play a part in our competitors’ scripts for their consultations – hair loss doesn’t have to be complicated and the solutions are usually pretty straightforward

With hair loss treatments there is NEVER a 100% success rate. If you are told otherwise, again just leave.

If you are ordering hair replacement, NEVER pay the full amount upfront. If everything you have been told is correct why wouldn’t you pay a balance upon seeing the results?!

This guide is not designed to put you off seeking help but just to make sure you go about it in the right way. As founder members of the UK Hair Loss Council, at Hair Technology International we guarantee to uphold the highest standards of customer care at all times. So when you need our help, we’re always here for you.

Why America?

Why America?

At Hair Technology International we are often asked why our techniques and the products we use are predominantly from the US.

Sure, as we are often told, there are cheaper suppliers in far flung corners of the world but the techniques we offer have crossed over from the film and tv industry. As everyone knows the hub of this industry is the US so it is natural for us to deal with the original innovators who developed much of the technology that remains cutting edge to this day.

As with any business, other suppliers from all over the world have tried to jump on the bandwagon with pale imitations but the truth is that the very best non-surgical hair replacement or hair enhancement comes for the States and many of these suppliers are very selective about who they partner. We are lucky enough to have secured exclusivity with a number of the very best suppliers meaning that what we offer, you just can’t get elsewhere in Scotland.

Unlike other types of business  there are no “industry leaders” in the field of hair replacement as others may suggest. Improvements and new ideas are coming along all the time so there is a great deal to be said for an independent business sourcing supplies through a number of different leading suppliers, and offering an excellent experience for the customer. Hair Technology International is such a business – we have been approached in the past by other companies wanting to share in our success but we remain and always will, fiercely independent.

Our expert team are in constant contact with similarly minded independent businesses worldwide so this offers our customers the reassurance that they will always be delighted with their hair, and for Hair Technology International it means we will always stay one step ahead of the competition.

Please remember, we are always here to help.

So what’s wrong with a Franchise?

So what’s wrong with a Franchise?

So what’s wrong with a Franchise?!

Franchises can be great – especially if you’re after a burger or something similar you know that what you will be the same wherever you go. Nothing changes. Everything is the same. The only problem is that the hair loss industry is constantly changing and no matter what service is being offered, it is vital that the people dealing with the clients are fully trained and experienced. Also until you go in to see the business you never know what you’ll find.

In our experiences, franchises in this industry don’t work for three main reasons :

– firstly, franchises are driven by profit, whereas in our industry we feel that businesses should be driven by service
– secondly, in a fast evolving industry, it is key to keep innovating : larger businesses tend to move more slowly when it comes to introducing something new, whereas at Hair Technology International we are lean and well connected so we can move straight away if something truly ground-breaking comes along
– thirdly, franchisers like to keep control so often won’t tell the businesses the full facts or give them the full range of options – as independent experts we have no such limits put on us.

Watch out for franchises – the amount of knowledge and experience we have gained over the past 20 years can’t be simply handed over in a franchise agreement.

For expert hair we are always here, just call or email us. For burgers, maybe you should look elsewhere!

Patchy hair loss

Patchy hair loss

Random bald spots on the scalp are known as alopecia areata. This is an auto-immune disorder where the immune systems attacks the hair follicle interrupting the growth cycle. Usually the skin in these patches looks normal but there may be a tingling sensation. This is most common amongst younger people and is believed to effect around 2% of those under 30.

The cause is not really known but about one in five of those affected have a family history of auto-immune conditions.

The most common treatment is steroids which can be applied in a number of ways. These are effective in about 70% of cases but for the remaining 30% there are a limited number of options. Treatments can make a difference but at Hair Technology International we believe that noone should be left without hair so our non-surgical procedures can offer great results. To make an appointment email us or call 0141 331 2688.

Future Proof Your Hair!

Future Proof Your Hair!

In life there are many unexpected costs that can arise – hair doesn’t have to be one of them. Our Hair for Life scheme has been going strong for over twenty years and allows our clients to budget easily for their future hair needs, allowing them to change their look whenever they want.

As technology advances our clients can benefit from the very latest innovations, many exclusively here in Scotland. We are always aim to improve and innovate, and through Hair for Life our clients can experience the benefits first-hand.

Hair Technology International was the first company in Scotland to offer this service and since we’ve seen many pale imitations. For more information just email or call on 0141 331 2688.

Hair Loss Cures

Hair Loss Cures

Keying in this term in any search engine will bring about a bewildering array of solutions, some more mainstream than others. The truth is thankfully much simpler – there are two treatments scientifically proven to help pattern hairloss : a liquid/foam (Minoxidil) and a tablet (Finasteride). That’s it! Almost.

The truth is that these treatments can be used in different strengths and can be combined but realistically neither is going to allow someone with significant or total loss to regrow a full head of hair. Having said that, however, the sooner the treatment begins the greater the benefit, as beyond a certain point the follicles can’t be salvaged.

The two recognised treatments work in different ways : the liquid/foam by widening the follicle leading to thicker hair and by prolonging the growth stage in the hair cycle, whilst the tablets help block the conversion of the male hormone (Testosterone) into DHT (the hormone associated with hair loss). As the tablets deal with male hormones, they are not suitable for women.

As you might expect any form of medication requires careful thought, particularly as the treatment is not short-term. Also the person’s medical history needs to be looks at and the issue of any possible side effects discussed. For these reasons at Hair Technology International we strongly recommend a proper face to face consultation and we strongly disapprove of any online prescriptions or the like.

For proper advice , please email us or call 0141 331 2688.