Elle.v8 Hair Extensions

Elle.v8 Hair Extensions

Having led the hair enhancement business in the UK for 20 years, we have recognised for some time that females with fine or thinning hair may be unsuitable for conventional extensions. Often these can cause damage to the existing hair and are hampered by the need to have strong hair as an anchor wherever the extensions are added. For all too many women they simply don’t have enough good, strong hair for this technique to work properly.

After years of development Hair Technology International proudly introduced Elle v.8 hair extensions, our unique patent protected system, taking existing hair weft technology and adding a mesh foundation to create a whole new world of possibilities

Two elements, three sizes and a million possibilities

Two elements –
1) remi european hair wefts
2) patent-protected mesh foundation with in-built second skin part and cutaway wefts

Three sizes –
1) small : sides and back only, where other areas sufficiently full
2) medium : fringe/frontal enhancement with extra length and volume at the sides and back
3) large : full head enhancement where overall improved coverage is needed

A million possibilities –

The secret is in the design of the patent-protected mesh foundation. This allows a fully customisable look with a greatly reduced number of connections whilst offering maximum coverage and impact

The first step to a great new head of hair is just to speak to us on 0141 331 2688 or drop us an email – we really are only here to help.

PR Manager needed

PR Manager needed

Okay, so there isn’t really a vacancy but the point is that this industry desperately needs a good PR! How many businesses can offer people the chance to change their lives for the better but that aren’t talked about and are kept secret, often from the customers’ nearest and dearest!

At Hair Technology International we have seen first hand how peoples’ lives can be changed for the better simply by taking away their worries over hair loss. For women, hair thinning can be devastating and can really take away the quality of their day to day life. Surely this should be publicised as widely as possible so more people can benefit from the techniques we offer? Well in the real world we will continue to help everyone who comes to us and take comfort from knowing how we have positively impacted their lives.

If you are a client reading this, however, and a friend or family member is suffering as you did before we helped, please try to pluck up the courage to offer some help as they may just be waiting for you to make the first move.

As always, we are here to help and only a phone call or an email away.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

After a really busy December it’s great to get some time off and we would like to take this opportunity to wish our clients all the best for 2016.

If, however, you found the festivities challenging perhaps because of issues with hairloss or thinning hair there really never has been a better time to start the new year with a new look.

We often hear about people wanting to lose weight after the festivities of Christmas and the New Year however other issues, such as hair thinning, might be your priority.  Remember that no one needs to suffer from hair loss when there are guaranteed solutions available here at Hair Technology International.  If this applies to you why not make it your resolution to drop up an email or give us a call on 0141 331 2688.

Pattern hairloss

Pattern hairloss

Male or female pattern hairless is the most common type.  By the age of 50, over half of all men are affected as are a third of females.  The “pattern” varies according to gender, males usually start with recession at the front which gradually spreads backwards, whereas for females the most common areas affected are the top, crown and any parting areas.

For the majority of people this is due to genetics, so if you are unlucky enough to be affected, it isn’t your fault.  Having said that, however, there are factors which you can influence to help the situation – reducing stress, better diet and careful haircare routine will help but the truth is that inherited hair loss is a deep rooted issue.

The combination of a large number of people with a common problem often seeking a quick fix has created an unregulated market in the UK with any number of businesses offering “cures” and it is often difficult to distinguish the reputable business from those with less honourable intentions.  So, almost more than in any other field, let the buyer beware!

The good news is that there are treatments available for men and women.  We supply all recognised solutions at Hair Technology International but please remember that even if there isn’t a treatment that works for you, our non surgical procedures offer guaranteed results.

For free, professional and honest advice email us or call 0141 331 2688.  At worst you will have a professional on call to assist, at best we may save you a great deal of money and heartache.


Just a thought…

Just a thought…

Imagine you had a problem with your vision and don’t want to wear glasses.  The choice then might be to get contact lenses or opt for surgery.  For most people, surgery is too radical – what are the risks and what happens if it all goes horribly wrong?!?

At least with contact lenses you are in charge.  If you decide later to go for surgery that option is always available.  Anyway, the longer you hold off getting surgery, the safer the procedures become and the better the results.

So, what’s the point?

Well, if the safety first approach makes sense for the eyes, why not apply the same principle with the hair?  After all, the results will be far more visible on the scalp, especially if the hair loss continues and the surgery becomes visible unless the client goes down the combover route.

There is a time and a place for transplants but for most people this is not the right choice.  Our non surgical techniques work.  Guaranteed.  You are in total control.

Maybe some food for thought…

Overall hair thinning

Overall hair thinning

If you are shedding more hair than usual, there could be a problem with your hair growth cycle.  This is the internal mechanism through which new hair is produced.  This is a three stage process by the follicle (which produces the hair).

The three stages are growth, resting and shedding (anagen, catagen and telogen to be exact).  Hair normally grows for 2-3 years then remains for roughly 100 days before being shed to make way for new hair.  About 90% of hair is growing at any one time, with 5-9% resting and the remainder being shed.  For this reason, given that the average head has about 100,000 hairs, it is normal for anything up to 100 hairs a day to be shed from a healthy head of hair.

The key thing is to spot any changes in the hair as generally the sooner a problem is identified, the easier it is to deal with.  Similarly certain factors can cut short the growth cycle and lead to early shedding of the hair and this is where the services of a Trichologist may be helpful.

As part of the team, Hair Technology International has two qualified Trichologists available.  A consultation would take around an hour and, if need be, a hair sample may be taken for microscopic analysis.  In any case, we offer a wide range of specialist treatments exclusively here in Scotland, designed to address any issues identified as a result of the consultation.  To make an appointment email us or call on 0141 331 2688.

Trichotillomania  Awareness Week

Trichotillomania Awareness Week

The first week in October has been designated Trichotillomania Awareness Week.  This distressing condition is usually associated with females, but the truth is it can effect men and women, young and old.  Usually the trigger is stress and anxiety with experts believing that it is a coping mechanism.  Often those affected feel vulnerable and this condition allows them to control at least one aspect of their life, no matter how self destructive.

There is no cure that applies universally but it is generally accepted that a multi-pronged approach can lead to successfully overcoming Trichotillomania.  The medical profession has identified that Cognitive Behaviour Therapy can be very successful in managing the condition over a period of time.  This leaves the individual to cope day to day with the consequences of this condition until the habit is broken.  At Hair Technology International we have developed a unique solution that helps by correcting the appearance of the hair and restoring full coverage, whilst at the same time creating an invisible barrier that protects the hair from further damage.

No two people are the same, so as a first step we would strongly recommend you speak with one of our fully qualified consultants on a strictly confidential basis to find out how Hair Technology International can help you.

We will be delighted to hear from you, simply call us on 0141 331 2688 or alternatively email us and we will get right back to you.




Ladies hair enhancement

Ladies hair enhancement

For too long ladies have been left to struggle with fine hair, often relying upon conventional extensions to disguise the problem.  Whilst this is all very well for those lucky enough to have strong hair, extensions can cause damage which can become a real problem.

A one size all solution won’t work and that’s why at Hair Technology International we are proud to offer the widest range of options available for those unsuitable for conventional extensions, covering all degrees of thinning right through to total alopecia.

We offer solutions that can take care of diffuse (general) overall thinning through to alopecia areata where patches can become a problem.

The key thing is to make sure that you are properly guided through the choices available, in a supportive and non-pressured environment.  Our experience and expertise is unmatched in Scotland so why not drop us an email or give us a call on 0141 331 2688 to speak to one of the team.

Transplants – The Facts

Transplants – The Facts

While there can be no doubt that transplant technology has improved greatly over the recent years, there are certain fundamental truths that remain.  These should always be considered before the decision is made to undertake what is in effect cosmetic surgery.

 It may be that less scrupulous surgeons or clinics will not welcome these questions but it is undeniable that proper answers should be given before surgery is agreed.  Firstly, transplants were originally developed in the 1940’s in Japan and were fairly crude affairs.  Since then the technology has been refined but it remains the case that surgery does not create more hair just simply redistributes existing hair.  So if there is a large thinning area the likelihood is that there will be insufficient hair to offer any great coverage without leaving scarring or “gaps” elsewhere.  Most of today’s surgery involves removing an area of scalp after making an incision up to 6 inches long in the head (often running from ear to ear).  It is reliant of the skill of the surgeon to ensure that the resulting scar is minimal.
 Secondly, most men who experience thinning are dealing with inherited or hormonal hair loss.  Transplants offer no protection against further loss so it is vital that the situation is stable before transplants are undertaken otherwise repeated sessions of surgery will be required.  This is often not mentioned during the consultation process.
Next, there is significant research ongoing into reactivating dormant hair cells.  It is widely accepted that by undertaking surgery and thus damaging the structure of the scalp this may prevent patients from benefiting from this new technology when it becomes available.  This is particularly important for younger males as the results of surgery – whether good or bad – will be life long.  What were once considered state of the art procedures are now considered totally inferior but those who had such procedures carried out have no alternative but to live with the consequences.
Finally, it is common for those who have had surgery to extol the virtues of the procedure.  Whilst there are many genuinely contented customers it is reasonable to look deeper into the motivation of some particularly if they are working with or benefiting from the services of a particular surgeon/clinic.
In a recent article in FHM magazine’s August 2014 edition one of their journalists underwent transplant surgery and his initial feelings were positive as he was deemed a suitable candidate but other key points also came to light :
– there are only a handful of top surgeons offering satisfactory results in the UK
– these surgeons can charge £20,000 or more for a day’s transplantation
– of those hoping for surgery, only about 1 in 5 are suitable
– proper medication before considering surgery may be successful enough to avoid this in the first place
As surgery cannot be reversed it is important that any decision follows extensive research and is after taking the opinion of as many professionals as possible.  Convenience and lowest price should not be a factor otherwise there is the risk that a surgeon is selected for the wrong reasons.  At Hair Technology, we strongly recommend transplants only for those whose hair loss is stable so generally this would be unsuitable for anyone younger than their mid-twenties.
We have worked with the industry leaders Farjo for many years and would strongly recommend seeking their advice before ultimately opting for surgery.
New website for Hair Technology

New website for Hair Technology

We have a new website for summer 2015. This is part of a continued effort to improve our service to our customers! We hope you find the new website useful and informative.

Please get in touch if you notice something not working or if you are interested in any of our services.