Don’t be a turkey!

Don’t be a turkey!

One of the few benefits of the travel restrictions during the pandemic was that we have seen far fewer transplant patients who had surgery in Turkey. With the easing of restrictions, this is likely to change.

As reported recently on Sky News, the safety measures that protect patients in the UK (and indeed in the EU) just don’t apply. It really is a lottery and often corrective surgery is impossible if the donor site, where the hair is taken from, has been severely depleted or permanently damaged.

Not all surgery in Turkey is bad – far from it – but transplants give lifelong results that will be visible for all to see. For this reason we can only again urge anyone considering surgery abroad to do their research thoroughly and explore all the options available. At Hair Technology International we will be happy to help and will always respect whatever decision the person finally reaches.

We are all looking for a bargain but cheap cosmetic surgery of any sort is always a risk. Please take your time and don’t be rushed into any quick decisions.

The very latest state of the art hair systems offer guaranteed results for people with hair loss without any surgery and without any risk to the scalp or existing hair so if you haven’t considered this option before, it might be worth considering this before you go under the knife!

Sing While You’re Thinning!

Sing While You’re Thinning!

In the unlikely event that Robbie Williams ever reads this post, let’s start off by apologising for the pun. This follows the news that after years of frustration and many thousands of pounds of treatments, he is coming around to the idea that non surgical hair replacement might be the solution he’s been looking for.

We often hear about miracle cures, here in the UK and abroad, whether this is surgical or some innovative treatment but here’s the truth – if there was a miracle cure out there for hair loss why would celebrities with almost limitless funds not have opted for these options.

The truth is that when there is the demand for an easy answer, there’s always people prepared to meet this demand, whether they are genuine or not.

No one wants to lose their hair but neither does anyone want to just be told what they want to hear, especially if the promises they are given are unfulfilled.

Whatever you decide to do, take your time and do your research – there’s no point going from one broken promise to another. That’s why we’re happy to offer impartial advice on all the options available and just as importantly leave you to make your own mind up.

As for Robbie, last time we were at his concert we sat next to an insurance salesman – and through it all he offered us protection!

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas

Although the pandemic continues to disrupt all our lives, it’s important to remember that we are getting to a much better place through the vaccine rollout and the scientific advances being made.

Against this backdrop it can be difficult to have a normal, happy Christmas but whatever else we need to look after each other and support one another through these difficult times. For this reason, at Hair Technology International we promise to be right beside you through every twist and turn of the pandemic, as we have for the past two years or so.

If you have felt that your hair needs haven’t been met elsewhere it’s never to late to let us show you how we look after our clients, so please get in touch.

Have a fantastic Christmas and a safe 2022!

Why wait for your hair system?

Why wait for your hair system?

After a bit of an absence – sorry! – we’re back with some ground breaking news. Over recent months we have been working with some of the best manufacturers in the hair replacement industry and we are proud to announce the launch of our own range of bespoke custom hair systems. Boutique not mass produced.

By using only best quality remi hair and the finest quality materials we can offer a unique combination of terrific results and built in durability. This is acheived through our unique hair insertion techniques. This in turn means that the expected lifespan of our systems is 6-12 months, much more than the 2-3 months often acheived by inferior off the shelf systems.

This is what sets us apart at Hair Technology International – we don’t just buy and fit hair systems, we have a passion for the business and take a pride in innovating, as proven since we introduced non surgical grafting to Scotland over two decades ago.

Initially offering three models- Hair Tech 1, Hair Tech 2 and Hair Tech+ – we are able to offer all the benefits of custom made systems with medium or medium/heavy denisty and the option of very best french lace fronts (with bleached roots as standard) without any waiting.

This combination of immediately available bespoke hair systems, featuring unique designs, once again underlines that Hair Technology International is at the forefront of hair replacement technology not just in the UK but in Europe. Our invites to numerous international seminars over the years, before many of our competitors even knew of the technology, confirms that whilst others promise to deliver great results, we just do it.

If it sounds like we can help, call us. Noone deserves anything but the very best.

A big thank you!

A big thank you!

After a year and a half like no other, it’s especially nice to get some recognition . For this reason it was very welcome to get nominated for the fourth year running by SME News for their Scottish Enterprise Award.

Although we are only really happy if our clients are happy, it’s nice to be recognised as ” the summit of our field” and ” truly deserving acclaim and accolade” (their words not ours!)

Without our clients we would be nothing, so a big thank you for letting us help and here’s looking forward to the better times ahead.

If you are reading this and haven’t seen the difference we can make, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We promise we will always be here, through thick and thin.

Best kept secret

Best kept secret

Hair replacement is a subject that often isn’t widely discussed but thankfully over the more than two decades that we have been in business, some of this hesitation has reduced.

Hair loss is a fact of life for many people and it can seriously impact the quality of a person’s life through lack of confidence and low self esteem.

We don’t break any confidences so we treat everyone who comes to see us as an individual with their own attitude to their hair and what they want from us – as long as they leave feeling happier or even just reassured, our job is done.

In the same way that hair replacement is very personal so is the way we treat our clients. We don’t brandish before and after photos, we don’t bombard people with messages or phone calls and we don’t try to rush people into their next step. The client is always in charge and that’s exactly how it should be.

If Hair Technology International is their best kept secret, that’s fine by us as long as they are happy with their hair.

We’re back!

We’re back!

The truth is as a caring business we have never been far away but for anyone wary about coming in to see us, we are fully operational from Monday. This means we are able to offer appointments six days a week with any of the six fully experienced stylists/technicians we are proud to have.

The past year hopefully won’t be repeated in terms of lockdowns but at Hair Technology International we promise to always have your best interests at heart. If you haven’t spoken to us before, this would be a great time for a fresh start so please get in touch.



Almost there!

Almost there!

Hair loss help

So far 2021 has been tough. We understand. From early April we will fully open and hopefully this will be the last time we have to offer reassurance after a period of lockdown.

This brief post is just to say a big thank you for all your patience – for those of you who haven’t been in touch over the past few weeks, please feel free to contact us – it will be great to see you again.

As we have an international network of suppliers, it may take a little while for orders to return to normal (as not all countries are as advanced with their vaccinations as the UK) but at Hair Technology International we will always do all we can to make you happy with your hair.

If you haven’t met us yet, please get in touch – our records show that over 95% of our clients have remained with us over the past year due to our refusal to leave anyone feeling abandoned, in spite of the restrictions caused by the lockdowns. Indeed as some of our competitors have failed to be there for their clients, we have actually increased the number of clients we have as more and more people have found us and seen how we are different. We really do care.

Still here – and always will be!

Still here – and always will be!

As our history of blog posts hopefully shows, we’ve always tried to keep our clients and anyone else affected by hair loss or looking at hair replacement posted on our lastest innovations and plans for the future.

The lack of posts over the past few months doesn’t show any lack of ideas on what we will do better for our clients in 2021 and beyond but we have had to hunker down and get through the series of lockdowns that have been introduced whilst at the same time always being there for our clients.

Hopefully with the rollout of the Coronavirus vaccines, better times are just around the corner but we just wanted to reassure everyone that Hair Technology International is proud to still be here – and always will be. If you are one of the many clients of our competitors who are feeling abandoned please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we promise that we will help in any way that we can.

Lost and found

Lost and found

In recent weeks we have been contacted by a number of clients of other hair replacement centres who have been told that either their service may be affected in the aftermath of the closure or even worse that their hair supplies may not be available.

By working with a large number of suppliers around the world we can ensure continuity of supply as well as the same level of customer care and support that Hair Technology International is reknowned for.

Please don’t despair if you are feeling neglected – we promise we will always do all we can to help no matter where you have been before you find us, the important thing is that you are here now!

Call us to hear a friendly voice or drop is an email and we’re sure you won’t regret it.