Just a thought…

Just a thought…

Imagine you had a problem with your vision and don’t want to wear glasses.  The choice then might be to get contact lenses or opt for surgery.  For most people, surgery is too radical – what are the risks and what happens if it all goes horribly wrong?!?

At least with contact lenses you are in charge.  If you decide later to go for surgery that option is always available.  Anyway, the longer you hold off getting surgery, the safer the procedures become and the better the results.

So, what’s the point?

Well, if the safety first approach makes sense for the eyes, why not apply the same principle with the hair?  After all, the results will be far more visible on the scalp, especially if the hair loss continues and the surgery becomes visible unless the client goes down the combover route.

There is a time and a place for transplants but for most people this is not the right choice.  Our non surgical techniques work.  Guaranteed.  You are in total control.

Maybe some food for thought…

Overall hair thinning

Overall hair thinning

If you are shedding more hair than usual, there could be a problem with your hair growth cycle.  This is the internal mechanism through which new hair is produced.  This is a three stage process by the follicle (which produces the hair).

The three stages are growth, resting and shedding (anagen, catagen and telogen to be exact).  Hair normally grows for 2-3 years then remains for roughly 100 days before being shed to make way for new hair.  About 90% of hair is growing at any one time, with 5-9% resting and the remainder being shed.  For this reason, given that the average head has about 100,000 hairs, it is normal for anything up to 100 hairs a day to be shed from a healthy head of hair.

The key thing is to spot any changes in the hair as generally the sooner a problem is identified, the easier it is to deal with.  Similarly certain factors can cut short the growth cycle and lead to early shedding of the hair and this is where the services of a Trichologist may be helpful.

As part of the team, Hair Technology International has two qualified Trichologists available.  A consultation would take around an hour and, if need be, a hair sample may be taken for microscopic analysis.  In any case, we offer a wide range of specialist treatments exclusively here in Scotland, designed to address any issues identified as a result of the consultation.  To make an appointment email us or call on 0141 331 2688.

Trichotillomania  Awareness Week

Trichotillomania Awareness Week

The first week in October has been designated Trichotillomania Awareness Week.  This distressing condition is usually associated with females, but the truth is it can effect men and women, young and old.  Usually the trigger is stress and anxiety with experts believing that it is a coping mechanism.  Often those affected feel vulnerable and this condition allows them to control at least one aspect of their life, no matter how self destructive.

There is no cure that applies universally but it is generally accepted that a multi-pronged approach can lead to successfully overcoming Trichotillomania.  The medical profession has identified that Cognitive Behaviour Therapy can be very successful in managing the condition over a period of time.  This leaves the individual to cope day to day with the consequences of this condition until the habit is broken.  At Hair Technology International we have developed a unique solution that helps by correcting the appearance of the hair and restoring full coverage, whilst at the same time creating an invisible barrier that protects the hair from further damage.

No two people are the same, so as a first step we would strongly recommend you speak with one of our fully qualified consultants on a strictly confidential basis to find out how Hair Technology International can help you.

We will be delighted to hear from you, simply call us on 0141 331 2688 or alternatively email us and we will get right back to you.