Pattern hairloss

Pattern hairloss

Male or female pattern hairless is the most common type.  By the age of 50, over half of all men are affected as are a third of females.  The “pattern” varies according to gender, males usually start with recession at the front which gradually spreads backwards, whereas for females the most common areas affected are the top, crown and any parting areas.

For the majority of people this is due to genetics, so if you are unlucky enough to be affected, it isn’t your fault.  Having said that, however, there are factors which you can influence to help the situation – reducing stress, better diet and careful haircare routine will help but the truth is that inherited hair loss is a deep rooted issue.

The combination of a large number of people with a common problem often seeking a quick fix has created an unregulated market in the UK with any number of businesses offering “cures” and it is often difficult to distinguish the reputable business from those with less honourable intentions.  So, almost more than in any other field, let the buyer beware!

The good news is that there are treatments available for men and women.  We supply all recognised solutions at Hair Technology International but please remember that even if there isn’t a treatment that works for you, our non surgical procedures offer guaranteed results.

For free, professional and honest advice email us or call 0141 331 2688.  At worst you will have a professional on call to assist, at best we may save you a great deal of money and heartache.