Hair Loss Consultations – do’s and don’ts

Hair Loss Consultations – do’s and don’ts

When you arrange a hair loss or hair replacement consultation there are some very important things to remember but most of all apply common sense. Don’t panic and always be sure of your decision (in your own time!).

The consultation is vital for you finding out whether or not your needs will be met by the business you’re seeing. For the business this is the chance to make a connection with you. In the hair loss industry our role is based upon trust so any gut feeling about the consultant being a little shifty should be heeded!

Firstly, and most importantly, be prepared – do as much research as you can before you go for your consultation

Prior to any consultation NEVER disclose your personal financial details – we know unscrupulous hair replacement businesses that price according to the person’s ability to pay. With these people, if you say more you will pay more – take care!

Be aware of bogus special offers and discounts – reputable centres should not have to bribe clients with gimmicks. Besides, why should someone get a “special offer” price and someone else not, when they are getting a near identical service?

In the hair loss/replacement industry there is NO PLACE for high pressure sales techniques – if you feel under pressure just leave.

Ask about the current staff mix and how long they’ve worked there – if hair replacement is what you’re after, we wouuld suggest a ratio of at least three stylists/ technicians to each consultant (at Hair Technology International it is 5:1) This suggests that the clients are being properly looked after and the importance being placed on aftercare. If there are as many consultants (i.e. sales people) as stylists, in the world of hair replacement this suggests a sales driven approach to the detriment of ongoing client care.

For the record, DHT (one of the hormones associated with hair loss) cannot be seen externally, even under a microscope. Any suggestion (as we’ve heard from some of our competitors) that a scalp examination allows DHT to be seen is nonsense. This would be just another sales ploy, so leave.

Watch out for overpriced extras (remi hair, lace, etc) these are often used to justify unrealistic prices

Goobledegook and pseudo-science can play a part in our competitors’ scripts for their consultations – hair loss doesn’t have to be complicated and the solutions are usually pretty straightforward

With hair loss treatments there is NEVER a 100% success rate. If you are told otherwise, again just leave.

If you are ordering hair replacement, NEVER pay the full amount upfront. If everything you have been told is correct why wouldn’t you pay a balance upon seeing the results?!

This guide is not designed to put you off seeking help but just to make sure you go about it in the right way. As founder members of the UK Hair Loss Council, at Hair Technology International we guarantee to uphold the highest standards of customer care at all times. So when you need our help, we’re always here for you.