Not just a cut and paste

Not just a cut and paste

Looking back over our posts on hair loss and hair replacement, you may find some that are helpful and others not so. The truth is that each entry is written after a great deal of thought and isn’t just a “cut and paste” entry as you find in other blogs. We want to get over that we really care about helping people with hair loss and this provides a forum for us to reach out to people that may otherwise be intimidated about seeking help.

As in any industry it is often difficult to tell the good guys from the others. Hopefully these articles show that not only do we really know what we are talking about but that we also do care. A previous article was dedicated to the do’s and don’ts about hair consultations. This is because we have nothing to hide and if someone reading this or other articles thinks twice before making an expensive mistake, then this blog will have served it’s purpose.

We are always available to help and will never compromise our belief that if you look after the client then the business will look after itself, which is most definitely a win-win situation (as consultants in our competitors might say!).

Hair loss is an very sensitive subject and any advice should be professional but honest and sympathetic. If you are looking around at the options available, please give us the chance to help – just drop us an email or call on 0141 331 2688. You really have got nothing to lose and a great deal to gain.