Hair loss in the summer

Hair loss in the summer

Now is the time of year when many people are heading to the sun on their annual holidays. If you are one of our clients travelling, we would like to wish you all the best for your holidays – for those still at home, it’s business as usual for Hair Technology International, with us being available six days a week, including two evenings.

If you are experiencing hair loss just be careful if you are in strong sunlight as the scalp is often one of the first areas to burn. If possible, apply a sunscreen to avoid burning but if this isn’t practical, a suitable hat will help prevent any damage.

Although your hair cannot get a sunburn, the sun can harm it in other ways. Prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultra-violet A and B (UVA and UVB) rays can damage your hair from its cuticle to its inner structure. If you plan on spending time in the sun, it is important to protect your hair from its damaging effects.

Excessive exposure to the sun can cause weak, dry and brittle hair. It can also make your hair more susceptible to split ends. Chemically lightening or bleaching your hair can make your hair particularly vulnerable to the damaging effects of the sun, but the sun can also damage healthy, non-chemically altered hair.

For those of our existing clients going away on holiday, our hair replacement is designed for all climates : all you need to do is to remember to add moisture through regular conditioning, to keep the hair looking and feeling healthy.

At Hair Technology International we always want your hair to look it’s very best so we continue to source products to help you get the very best from your hair, having recently introduced two all new ranges to keep the hair looking as great as the day you first had your hair replaced.

If you are off to the sun, please have a fantastic time but if you come back feeling that thinning hair in any way limited your enjoyment, please call or email us – we are always happy to help.

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

For us, Hair Technology International stands for a lot. We believe we represent the very best of the hair loss/replacement business and are well respected both nationally and internationally.

To our clients we are seen as reliable, trustworthy and professional but for the majority we’d like to be thought of as their friends too. Hair loss can be a lonely place and our aim is to make sure that no one needs to face this on their own if they contact us.

For some lucky people, hair loss may never impact them or they may be able to shave their head and get on with their lives without a second thought but for many people, they are not so fortunate.

We know how important hair is and how serious hair loss can be – it can affect self esteem and lead to depression in extreme cases so if you would like to look at what can be done to help, we really are just a phone call or an email away. Who knows, maybe we can become friends too!