Hair loss really matters!

Hair loss really matters!

Although we always try to be approachable, at Hair Technology International we realise just how serious hair loss can be for the person affected.

Often people suffering are the butt of cruel jokes or are told to simply forget it and get on with their life. This seriously underestimates the issue and a recent survey only underlines this.

According to the survey by Asda Pharmacy, 33% of people worry about hair loss whilst 17% feel self-conscious and 14% felt unattractive. Importantly, 26% had been teased by loved ones over hair loss and 15% even experienced a loss of libido, probably due to lowered self-esteem.

If you suffer hair loss please remember you are not alone and we are always here to help in any way we can. If you know someone suffering from hair loss please be sympathetic and treat them with respect – it could be you next!!!

For help and advice call Hair Technology International on 0141 331 2688 or email us. We don’t take ourselves too seriously but we do take hair loss very seriously.

Hair transplants In Turkey

Hair transplants In Turkey

Okay, despite the picture this is a serious matter but hopefully this will have grabbed the attention of a few people!

As our earlier blog articles will show, at Hair Technology International we always urge caution when someone is considering transplants. Many younger men see transplants as their way of getting their hair back, like certain high profile footballers.

The main consideration is that the results are life-long, for good or for bad. For the right person with realisitic expectatios, transplants can be life improving but for the wrong person or someone with unrealistic expectations, the outcome can be devastating.

In the UK, we are lucky to have regulatory bodies overseeing the surgical work being undertaken, here in Scortland by a new Department overseen by the Scottish Government. Overseas this protection often isn’t there.

A quick search of the internet will bring up literally hundreds of competing clinics operating overseas, offering cut price surgery. The country we hear mentioned most often is Turkey – in Istanbul alone there are over 350 clinics. The main attraction is that surgery in the UK costing £10,000 to £15,000 is offered for as little as £1,500. Now whilst at Hair Technology International we are all for value, permanent surgery is probably not the best place to look for unrealistic savings.

There have been reports of unsafe or outdated practices, nurses (not qualified surgeons) carrying out the surgery and post operative complications to name but a few issues so if you are thinking of going down this route please do your research thoroughly and exercise extreme care! If in doubt, we would recommend surgery should always be kept as a last option.

For free advice or an informal chat, call or email us. At Hair Technology International we are always happy to chat through your situation, particularly whether your expectations are realistic before you make any commitments.

As one unfortunate patient who had transplants done in Turkey joked, when he said he wanted his hair like a footballer he didn’t mean Bobby Charlton!