Transplants – The Truth

Transplants – The Truth

Often when transplants are carried we find it is on the basis of false expectations. That is why at Hair Technology we always suggest that this should be carefully thought out as the results will be lifelong.

Although we don’t and never have offered transplants, we have over 25 years experience of helping people with inappropriate scalp surgery so this makes us ideally suited to offer advice either pre or post surgery.

We were recently asked what could we do to help people where transplants have been unsuccessful or where the results have disappointed. As was correctly pointed out, we cannot reverse inappropriate surgery or repair badly damaged donor area however for years we have been helping people disguise the damaged area on a semi-permanent basis and get on with a normal life, without the need for hair fibres, concealers or the like.

Using site specific, non surgical grafting we can offer anyone the opportunity to move on from their bad experience. The results are guaranteed and for people who have been left with hair loss or scarring following any form of surgery to the head or radiotherapy, this is a proven solution. More than one area can be addressed and the size can vary from as little as a couple of square inches to the full head (although we always try to use as much of the client’s own hair as possible).

We accept that this may not the choice of everyone but to suggest that anyone with scarring is beyond help is simply not true. We have been offering this help for years and continue to do so, day in day out.

As we have always said, we are happy to help anyone. Call us on 0141 331 2688 or email us for more information.