Transplants – before you take the plunge …

Transplants – before you take the plunge …

Many times we come across people who have had transplants, who really shouldn’t have. Often times this is due to the slick sales pitch promising growing hair for life with little or no aftercare. Neither of these claims is accurate so part of our role is informing people of the pitfalls of surgery.

Here are some important questions that really must be answered satisfactorily before you take the plunge :

– what results can I realistically expect and precisely what guarantees are offered by the clinic/surgeon?
– what qualifications does the clinic/surgeon have and can I see examples of their work first hand – not just pictures which can be altered?
– will the person offering the consultation also be the person doing the operation? If not, please be very wary as there are many instances of barely qualified individuals actually doing the work with the consulting surgeon being nowhere to be seen!
– what aftercare is required? Will I need to embark upon lifelong medication with Finasteride or the like to protect the hair post- surgery and prevent further loss elsewhere?
– what would the cost of this aftercare/treatment be and what would happen if it is stopped?
– what happens to the donor site from where the hair is harvested/taken? Am I guaranteed that the scarring post surgery will not be visible?
– what happens if I do lose more hair? How will this effect the end result of the surgery and will further operations be needed? If so is my donor area sufficient for more surgery and what wil the likely cost be?
– how much of the transferred hair is guaranteed to grow and what is the likely eventual cost for the outcome I am expecting?
– on a technical level, will the hairs be extracted and implanted using magnifying scopes? This is vital as freehand surgery carries many risks and often brings very unnatural results.
– do the maths add up? Can the number of hairs being transferred achieve the coverage promised (a person typically has approximately 100,000 hairs so at 30% loss, 3000 hairs would only allow at most 10% coverage)

At Hair Technology International we are different – we are happy to help and certainly don’t recommend surgery if there is any doubt . If you are looking for professional discrete advice, call or email us.

Life changing help

Life changing help

As a result of the generosity of our terrific clients, Hair Technology International has been able to make a real difference in one of the poorest parts of Africa. We are blessed to have such generous clients who have helped us supply a nursery in one of the most deprived parts of The Gambia with the latest i.t. equipment, stationery and supplies (the picture with this post shows just some of the equipment they have received). This directly impacts 145 children in the area each and every year.

We realise that the help we offer to those we help with hair loss can seem life changing but for these youngsters your help will make a lifelong difference. We can only say a huge thank you – it just goes to show what can be done if we put our minds to it.

Although this is the first such help we’ve offered it won’t be the last so watch this space!

Helping, caring, whatever you want to call it, that’s what we try to do every day. See for yourself if you’re new to Hair Technology International – just drop us an email or call us on 0141 331 2688 : you’ll be glad you did.

A day in the life of Hair Technology

A day in the life of Hair Technology

We are often asked how it is to work as part of the team at Hair Technology International. The truth is no two days are the same and that is what working here makes the job so rewarding!

The day can start with a male or female client in for a regular appointment having already had their hair replaced by us, then a customer in looking for advice on the options available (and often the pitfalls of inappropriate transplants!), followed by a person undergoing chemotherapy who wants the next best thing to their own hair until their hair regrows, followed by a laser treatment session for a hair loss client and then a chat with one of Trichological treatment clients to review the results achieved at home with our specialist products.

As you can see there is quite a mix of ways that we can help but that is what makes Hair Technology International unique – we have full all round knowledge of the alternatives available and can actively help to make a difference.

To all our new clients who have recently come to see us, we really appreciate your trust. If you have yet to visit us, please don’t worry – we are happy to offer impartial advice and help in any way we can.

Call us on 0141 331 2688 or email us – we are here for you.