Why not buy online?

Why not buy online?

At Hair Technology International we love shopping online – but you may have noticed that certain things are better bought online than others. If you are after something with a standard specification or design (like say a video game) this is great but if you want something that looks good, like say clothing, it is difficult to see how it will be until you see the item in the flesh. Magnify this many times and that is often what happens when hair is bought online – the pictures look great but what arrives is almost unidentifiable!

“Stack them high and sell them cheap” might work for supermarkets or online retailers but when it comes to your hair, we feel this is too important to take a risk.

At Hair Technology International we help men and women suffering from hair loss using international suppliers that don’t deal with the public but only work with fellow hair professionals. Likewise when it comes to the hair attachment process we use products that you just won’t find elsewhere in Scotland (even in our so called competitors).

Getting the hair is only the start – having it fitted properly and styled expertly is vital, as is maintaining the hair. At Hair Technology International we do all this for you so you don’t have to worry. We have heard horror stories of people being charged £250 or more to have a system fitted – don’t allow yourself to be fooled into paying ridiculous amounts, if you need our help call us and we’ll try to help.

Some things are simple when in the hands of experts – you wouldn’t buy a cheap part for your car online and try to fit it yourself, so why would you do this with your hair which will be part of you 24/7?

We would never turn anyone away and always try to help but to avoid the hassle of trying to fix problems from buying hair online, why not save yourself the time and expense and call or email the experts at Hair Technology International. You’ll be glad you did!