What causes hair loss?

What causes hair loss?

There are many factors which can trigger or hasten hair loss – these can affect both men and women – and it is important to trace the cause to see if this can be targeted, allowing the hair to recover naturally, or else to evaluate what other action can be taken to remedy the appearance.

Obviously the hair changes as we get older – and not just the extra grey! – but there follows a list of the other common factors which can lead to hair loss. Obviously if these apply to you and they can be avoided (apart from when the cause is medication!) this would be our first recommendation, however even if the trigger is unavoidable there is always help available for hair loss right here in Scotland.

Genetics – inherited hormonal imbalances can contribute to thinning hair, with male pattern baldness being regarded as the most common hereditary cause of hair loss.

Stress – accidents, illness or surgery will take their toll on your body and can even cause trigger temporary hair loss, known as telogen effluvium.  Emotional stress can also exacerbate existing hair thinning.

Diet – we are what we eat and when it comes to our hair this is no different.  A diet that lacks in protein, vital minerals and vitamins could cause a slowdown in the growth of hair follicles. 

Trichotillomania – this impulsive disorder causes sufferers to pull out their own hair, often subconsciously, and as such means it needs to be treated as a chronic condition.

Chemotherapy – in treating certain types of cancer, chemotherapy destroys rapidly dividing cancer cells but in doing so it also destroys other types of cells in the body such as hair cells.  Hair loss is usually temporary as the hair will start to grow again once treatment is complete.

Weight loss – losing a lot of weight suddenly is a trauma and can trigger hair loss.

Medication – there are a number of different drugs which could, as a side effect, encourage hair loss.  These include certain types of beta-blockers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Burns or scars – if you have experienced any kind of skin injury, such as a burn or scar, around the top or side of the head, you may find that the hair doesn’t grow properly around this area as the follicles have become damaged.

Health conditions – if you suffer from an auto immune disease, infection or underactive thyroid you may be at an increased risk of losing your hair.

Overstyling – harsh chemicals, tight braiding or an overuse of heat when styling the hair could all contribute to hair thinning or loss.

Whilst there are many different causes of hair loss, there are also various ways to treat the condition and restore your confidence. 

At Hair Technology International we offer the very latest, virtual reality hair grafts which are designed to replicate the density, growth and behaviour of your own hair, giving you a very natural-looking finish.  We are only an email or phone call away and always promise to do all we can to help.